Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4. The Spiral Line

The Spiral Line
The Spiral Line wraps around the body in two helices, right and left, connecting each side of the skull across the upper back top the opposite shoulder, then around to the front of the ribs to cross again at the navel, attaching at the hips.  From there, the SPL passes along the anterolateral (anterior lateral) thigh and across the shin to the arch of the foot, where it then wraps under the foot and runs up along the posterior lateral side of the leg to the ischium and into the erector spine myofascia, ending just about where it started, back at the occipital ridge of the skull.

Postural function of the SPL is to, like most of the myofascial meridians, maintain balance.  The SPL, however, maintains balance across ALL planes.  It mediates rotations in the body and works to steady the truck and leg to keep it from folding into rotational collapse.

Muscles of the SPL:
Splenius capitis and cervicis
Rhomboids major/minor
Serratus anterior
External oblique
Internal oblique
Tensor fasciae latae
Tibialis anterior
Fibularis longs
Bicep memories
Erector spine

(this picture shows half of the spiral line muscles, just so you can see the spiral pattern from one side)

Connective Tissue (ligmanets, tendons, fascial sheets, etc.) of the SPL:
Abdominal aponeurosis
Linea alba
Iliotibial tract
Sacrotuberous ligament
Sacrolumbar fascia

Bony Landmarks that serve as anchors for the SPL:
Occipital ridge
Mastoid process atlas/axis transverse processes
Lower cervical/Upper thoracic spinous processes
Medial border of the Sapulpa
Lateral ribs
Illiac crest/ASIS
Lateral tibia condyle
1st metatarsal base
Fibular head
Ischial tuberosity
Occipital ridge

Common postural deviations: 
Imbalance between left and right
Twisting of the shoulders or hips
Lateral shifts in the body

Stretches for the SPL:

Seated Twist
Triangle Pose

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Next week, I'll start going over the four arm lines, starting with the Deep Front Arm Line!
Be good to yourselves! :)

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