Tuesday, April 21, 2015

5. The Deep Front Arm Line

The Deep Front Arm Line
The Arm Lines are, posturally speaking, a bit different from the other myofascial meridians.  The Deep Front Arm Line is a stabilizing line; in poses like the yoga plank, it manages side to side movement of the upper body.  In the open movement of the arm, the DFAL controls the angle of the hand, generally through the thumb, as well as the thumb's grip.
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Muscles of the DFAL:
Pectoralis minor
Biceps brachii
Thenar muscles
Connective tissue (ligaments, tendons, fascial sheets, etc.) of the DFAL:
Clavipectoral fascia
Radial periosteum - anterior border
Radial collateral ligmanets
Bony Landmarks of the DFAL:
3rd, 4th, 5th ribs
Coracoid process
Radial tuberosity
Styloid process of radius
Scaphoid, trapezium
Outside of thumb

Common postural deviations within/caused from restriction of the DFAL:
Restriction in the upper rib movement with inhalation
Trouble flexing the arm and lifting from the shoulder to reach upwards
Anterior tilt of the scapula on the ribs - rounded shoulders

Stretches for the DFAL:

Hands clasped behind your back, shoulders down
Doorway stretches for both pectorals major and minor

Next week, I'll be covering the Superficial Front Arm Line!
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Take care of yourselves and stretch those arms! :)

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