Monday, May 11, 2015

7. The Deep Back Arm Line


     The Deep Back Arm Line is similar to the Lateral Line in the leg.  It works with the Deep Front Arm Line to adjust the angle of the elbow, as well as limit or allow side-to-side movement of the upper body when in a crawl position, and provide stability from the lateral edge of the hand to the posterior shoulder.

Muscles of the DBAL:
Rotator cuff muscles:
     Teres minor
Triceps brachii
Hypnothenar muscles:
     Abductor digiti minimi
     Flexor digiti minimi brevis
     Opponens digiti minimi

Connective tissues of the DBAL:
Fascia along ulnar periosteum
Ulnar collateral ligaments

Bony landmarks of the DBAL:Spinous process of lower cervical and thoracic vertebrae
C1-4 Transverse processes
Medial border of the scapula
Head of the humerus
Olecranon of the ulna
Triquetrum, hamate
Outside of the little finger

Stretches for the DBAL:

Tricep stretch
Ulnar nerve stretch
- - - - -
Stayed tuned in for next week's post - the last of the arm lines: The Superficial Back Arm Line.
And I'll leave you all with this:
My sweet Bear helping me with my research.
Take care of yourselves. <3

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