Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2. The Superficial Front Line

     Last week, I covered the Superficial Back Line, which gives the body its natural primary and secondary curves from top to bottom, so this week I'm going over the SBL's anterior partner:
 The Superficial Front Line

For anyone who suffers from lower back/hip pain, tight/sore ankles, restricted diaphragmatic breathing, or tension headaches from forward head posture, chances are you might have some imbalance throughout your SFL.

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The Superficial Front Line runs along the anterior length of the body in two sections: from the tops of the toes to the anterior, lateral pelvis + from the pubic bone to the head.  This particular track is what gives balance to the Superficial Back Line.  In the picture below, you can see how the posture is affected when the SBL and SFL become unbalanced.

The postural function of the SFL is to allow flexion of the torso and hips, knee extension, and dorsiflexion (pulling upward) of the foot.

Muscles within the SFL:
Rectus abdominis
Rectus femoris/quadriceps
Short + long toe extensors
Tibialis anterior

Connective tissue (ligaments, tendons, fascial sheets) that make up the rest of the SFL:
Scalp fascia
Sternochondral fascia
Subpatellar tendon

Bony landmarks the SFL anchors to:
Mastoid process
Sternal manubrium
5th rib
Pubic tubercle
Anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS)
Tibial tuberosity
Dorsal surface of toe phalanges

Common postural deviations associated with the SFL:
Limited range of motion in ankle flexion
Anterior pelvic tilt (which can also been seen in the Superficial Back Line, when the erectors of the lumbar spine become shortened)
Forward head posture
Restriction of the diaphragm through the anterior ribs

SFL Stretches:
Cobra pose
Leaning back into full hip extension (the second stretch pictured)
Bridge pose

Camel pose

Backbends are the closest stretch you can do to reach a full stretch throughout the whole SFL.  You can always lay on your back, stretched out over an exercise ball (which I'm about to go do after being at the computer most of the day!)

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Next week, I'll cover the Lateral Line.

Be good to yourselves. :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

1. The Superficial Back Line

Welcome to the first myofascial meridian!  

The Superficial Back Line

     I personally struggle with this guy.  Tight calves (gastrocnemius), knotted-up hamstrings, shortened erectors in the lumbar area, which means - you guessed it - all the connective tissue (fascia) that encase those muscles and helps keep them tacked down the my bones is nice and tied up, too.  I can definitely thank the Superficial Back Line for my low back issues.

So, if you have pain or tightness along your spine, tightness in the back of your neck, or have trouble touching your toes when you're doing all those awesome stretches I've suggested, you can bet that issues lie within the SBL.

Let's go ahead and go over all the bits and pieces of the SBL so we can get right to the solution to those possible issues.

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     The superficial back line (SBL) runs along the entire posterior surface of the body, from the toes all the way up to the brow.  It's postural function is to keep the body upright.  It is what allows us to sit up straight and walk tall.

Each meridian consists of muscles + connective tissues (i.e. ligaments, tendons, fascial sheets) and attach to specific bony landmark to allow mobility through the entire track. 

Muscles within the SBL:
Erector Spinae
Short toe flexors

Connective tissue (ligaments, tendons, fascial sheets) that make up the rest of the SBL:
Epicranal fascia
Achilles tendon
Plantar fascia

The bony landmarks that the SBL anchors to:
Frontal bone
Suboccipital ridge
Occipital ridge
Ischial tuberosity
Condyles of the femur
Plantar surface of the toes

Common postural deviations associated with the SBL are:
Hyperextension of the knees
Hamstring shortness
Hyperextension of the upper cervial spine

Some stretches that address parts of and the entire SBL:
Seated forward bend (A)
Forward bend (B)
Downward dog (C)
Plow pose (D)
Child's pose (not pictured)

Also, laying on your stomach stretched over a large exercise ball (like so) aids in relaxation of the entire SBL.

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So...?  How was that?  Do you guys have a better idea of what myofascial meridians are now?
Shoots me any questions or comments you might have here or here (Facebook) or here (Twitter).

Next week, I'll be going over the Superficial Front Line!